We love local markets

I fell in love with beekeeping after I purchased my first hive and quickly expanded my apiary sites across many locations in Brisbane’s northern suburbs and I didn’t quite prepare myself for how much honey all these hives would produce in one season, thus our market stall was born

Operating a market stall requires a lot of unseen work but its so overwhelmingly rewarding. Its beginning a Saturday morning at 3.30 am to drive to a new market location, its learning how to pack my little corolla to the brim with gazebos, honey, banners, tables and more because once your set up there is no leaving until the markets closed.

It is also the place where I can talk all day about bees and honey to the local community and where I can share awareness of how bees have a positive impact on our environment. I have met some wonderful customers who regularly visit the stall for a chat and to restock the pantry and bartered with neighboring stall holders to swap products (breakfast dounuts for honey was a great trade!)

With my background in early childhood education, chatting with little people is what comes naturally and as a result I’ve encountered some very very happy customers like Willow and Zahlee who used their pocket money to make a purchase from the stall.

Our local markets you might find us at are:

  • Ferny Grove (perminantly closed)

  • Carseldine (Saturdays)

  • West End (Pop-ups)

  • Redcliffe (Pop-ups)

  • Mitchellton (Monthly)

  • Northshore Produce Markets (Sundays)

Follow our Instagram and Facebook page to find out where you can find us on any given weekend


Creamed Honey