Keeping your smoker smoking
In the first leg of my journey, I found that I spent more time trying to keep the smoker lit than
searching for the queen, which says a lot! I battled with leaf litter, grass clippings and egg cartons,
however nothing seemed sustainable, readily avaliable or lasted the duration of one hive inspection, little lone several
consecutive hive inspections.
That’s when I found a mixture of pinecones and hessian bags! Hessian is the course, woven fabric
that is composed of natural fibers from the jute plant, in short terms, it is a 100% natural product
and smokes like the chimneys in Mary Poppins! Stand alone, hessian works great however you can
also use it in conjunction with pinecones is a great natural alternative to smoker fuels sold in
beekeeping supply stores.
I purchase my hessian from Facebook Market place from a coffee shop owner who sells ripped and
torn bags for $1, im sure you could approach your local coffee shop and ask what they do with their
used coffee bean bags.
I either collect pinecones from the beautiful pine forests that connect Brisbane and the Sunshine
coast on the way home from weekend camping trips or when im stuck for time I support a young
local community entrepreneur who collects and sells pinecones for $5 per bag, her mum will even
deliver them to my door, which is an added bonus!