Our Apiaries

We are a boutique beekeeping business and all our hives are located in Brisbane backyards, which means our bees have permanent homes

Our current Apiary sites include

  • Arana Hills

  • Samford Valley

  • Bunya

  • Camp Mountain

  • Everton Park

Arana Hills

Situated a stones throw from the city, our Arana Hills site is home to some hard working hives and is one of our highest yielding sites! Surrounded by well established gum trees and passionate gardeners they flourish in their sunlit home alongside possums, a growing family of wild bush turkeys and laughing kookaburras. These hive are called Victoria, Ariel, Millie and Catherine and are beautiful hives to work

Samford Valley

Nestled under the serene canopy of pine trees, our beehives in the picturesque hillside of Samford Valley overlook a beautiful pond, home to an active family of water dragons and a very chunky carpet python. Our hives are called Roxanne, Isabel, Margaret, Fern and there are two hives here that are yet to be named. Samford Valley is a site that produces our lightest honey and we have pulled frames out that are an almost florescent yellow colour, this could be due to the large wattle trees near by, springs first dandelions or palm tree flowers - its hard to know for sure when the bees have an abundance of flora on their doorstep!


Positioned between two lily pad ponds and nestled under a lush canopy of well-established trees, our beehives at Bunya enjoy a flourishing environment throughout every season of the year. This site is home to 6 beehives, Kate, Louise, Elizabeth, Georgie, Jane and Patricia and were named by the family who own the land. These bees love their semi-rural home however the owner has to suit up to mow around the base of the hives because Patricia can get defensive of her hive a sting when she hears loud noises!

Camp Mountain

Perched on the edge of a landing pad high above a deep valley, our Camp Mountain bees enjoy a world-class panoramic view of the stunning Australian landscape below. This apiary site is home to our newest cohort of hives all with very unique backgrounds: Stacey who was a swarm caught from Strathpine in September 2022, Shellbee - named by a creative teenager who won the ‘name our new queen’ contest at a local childcare open day, Cherry - who is a introduced Carniolan queen acquired free on FB marketplace in January 2023 and Cleo who was purchased as a nucleus colony from a backyard beekeeper in Coopers Plains on Australia day 2022

Everton Park

Our Everton park apiary is know as our home apiary which overlooks Teralba Park and the city. This site is permanently home to our original hive, Khaleesi in the white box and our second hive, Lizzy in the brown box. Lizzy is Khaleesi’s daughter and was our first ever split, she is now our main educational hive. Both hives started out with Flow frames but have since moved to Langstroth frames.

Our home apiary is always changing as we use it as a transfer station to monitor new hives such as recently caught swarms, growing nucleus colonies and experimental colonies as well as hosting educational sessions to new beekeepers

Photo from September 2020 when it all began


Bee Stingers: Understanding the Difference Between Drones, Queens, and Worker Bees